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  • dastagirda 5:09 am on May 16, 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , order, , , ,   


    Sehwagology is a body of beliefs and related practices created by Australian cricket blogger Uncle JRod. JRod developed Sehwagology teachings on 3rd April, 2008 CricketWithBalls – Scriptures of Sehwagology as a tribute to Indian cricketing god Virender Sehwag. JRod later characterised Sehwagology as an “applied religious philosophy” and the basis for a new religion with the first Sehwagology church being established in London, December 2008. (More …)

  • dastagirda 3:41 am on May 16, 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , order, sitemap, ,   


    Did you ever found how a search engine works? It must be fascinating figuring out how this search tool could direct you to several websites that are relevant to your keywords. Or, have you experienced examples where the link that supposedly contains your keywords is not exactly what you have in mind? You would probably think that there must be something wrong with the search engine that it generated irrelevant results.

    Working of a Search Engine?
    Two things figure greatly in making search engines work effectively and efficiently: the electronic search spider and the sitemap.

    What is a sitemap?
    A sitemap is basically a page or pages that serve/s as a directory by listing all the links to all documents and files found in a website. It is not merely a random listing of links, but organized in such a way that it gives the web user an idea of how all the information that can be found in the site fits into an outline or framework. It is like viewing the table of contents of a book, or viewing the “concept map” of the site’s content.

    What is a spider?
    In SEO language, spider is not an animal found in your closet. This electronic search spider is actually a bot which collects data and copies content to be stored in the search engine’s database when keywords are fed into the search dialogue box. The spider reads the content of the site and sends another bot to follow the links and copy the content contained in them.

    What purpose does a sitemap serve?
    A sitemap like any other map gives directions to a navigator. It primarily targets search engine spiders so that they are properly directed to your site and to the links where keywords entered in the search dialogue appears. As such, it is actually a useful tool in search engine optimization. A well organized site map would guide the spider to find the information it needs when keywords are entered during a search operation.

    As an additional beneficial consequence, sitemaps have proven to be useful even to web users. Since a sitemap displays all the links to information found in a website, it helps the user to search for a particular topic in mind. Many users also use the sitemap to navigate between pages in a site.

    What are the benefits of sitemap for my website?sitemap

    1. No page would be left unturned
    Going back to the purpose of sitemaps, having one would mean faster and easier tracking and crawling of spiders all over your site. As a result, search engines would surely get to the view all the pages of your site and not just the pages containing random keywords.

    2. Easier navigation for site visitors
    Once a web user has accessed your sitemap, they need not go back to the search engine page to look for what they need. If what they are looking for is in your site, then they would have an easier and faster way of locating it.

    3. Potential advertising value
    If it so happens that a relevant product or service company reaches your site, then it would be easier for them to see how best they can position themselves in the different pages of your site as a paid page advertisement.

    4. Encourage greater traffic to your site
    If your company website has a sitemap then potential buyers would have an easier time in accessing your latest products and services. Moreover, they would not miss out on any product that might be off future interest to them since the sitemap would display all information found the site.

    How are sitemaps formatted?
    There are at least three major types of sitemaps: indexed, full categorical, and restricted categorical. An indexed site map appears as an alphabetical listing or directory.
    A full categorical map displays all links classified into categories; while a restricted categorical sitemap displays all links listed in a chosen category at a time. The full and restricted sitemaps are very similar except that the former displays all links in all categories all at once in a page, while the latter focuses only the links under the selected category for easier and less eye-straining viewing.

    The most widely used format is the full categorical. Based on the results of a 1999 SURL study on sitemap designs, the full categorical format is most preferred by users since it is easier to search for topics within the site and it allows easier comparison between and among categories.

    Some tips in setting up your sitemap

    1. Link the sitemap only to your homepage.
    This is to ensure that the spider starts searching from your homepage down to all the pages listed in your sitemap. In this way, no page would be left unvisited by the spider.

    2. Do not go beyond 30 pages for a sitemap.
    Large websites having 50 or more pages should not go beyond 30 since this adds more pages to the site, and might make search engines think that the sitemap is a link farm. Also, this prevents overcrowding of links which could be tiring to view.

    3. Check all the links listed in your sitemap.
    It can be discouraging when you click on a link only to find out that nothing is displayed. Test your sitemap; click all links in every page to make sure that all links are indeed linked to the right page.

    4. Give keyword-rich titles to sitemap links.
    Keyword-rich titles give your site more advantage in being searched properly under the right category. But be sure to have this sitemap link linked back to the sitemap (e.g. back to sitemap).

    5. Provide a short description for the links in the sitemap.
    Doing so would give readers a better idea of what to find in the link and save them time on surfing.

    6. Be consistent in designing your sitemap with the other pages of the site.
    Employ a recurring design and the same HTML template for all pages to establish identity and build character to your website.

    Now you know the benefits which will urge you to buil the same for your site…Don’t you want your own Sitemap!!!!

  • dastagirda 10:48 pm on May 14, 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: chaos, , , fractals, order, , randomness   


    “Chaos is not merely a mindless jiggling,
    it’s a subtle form of order.”

    What does chaos theory have to do with creativity? Everything. A simple understandingchaos_theory_graphic
    of chaos will forever change your idea of what creativity is all about. In truth there is no
    chaos, just different levels of order, interlaced and folding in upon itself.

    The essential concepts behind chaos theory are that:
    Perspective is the key to perceiving order.
    There is order in apparent randomness.
    It only takes a very small change to render a system chaotic, or conversely bring order to chaos. This event has been dubbed the “strange attractor”.
    The strange attractor is self-reflective and redundant.
    Nature is composed of mirroring echoes of non-linear even


    The discernment between chaos and order is merely a point of view. “Maps are imaginative pictures which allow thought to bring into focus aspects of reality that might otherwise be lost in details. With a good map we can appreciate some features of a reality we could otherwise miss, and we can explore this reality in a way that would be actually impossible without the map.” So say John Briggs and F. David Peat in their excellent book Turbulent Mirror.

    If you are inside of something, say an atom, you only see electrons whirling chaotically around you. If you moved outside the atom you would see those electrons moving with a pattern around the atom. If you rise further above you see that atoms are actually the building blocks of larger structures called molecules. And so it goes, on up the scale, ad infinitum. The ever familiar ‘forest from the trees’ syndrome. It’s all a matter of perspective. True creativity is allowing yourself to gain the loftiest perspective you can in relation to the object of your quandary or inquiry.

    Order in Randomness

    Creativity in its most meaningful sense renders order out of chaos. True creativity engenders new coherent form from existing patterns or ideas. The creative mind is not subdued by the apparent anarchy of random chaos.

    Chaos theory has discovered that when a system begins to veer out of balance, it is pulled in the new direction by a ‘strange attractor.’ According to John Briggs, “An attractor is a region of phase space which exerts a “magnetic” appeal for a system, seemingly pulling the system towards it.”

    The strange attractor is the force that pulls any system in an entirely new direction. When you focus on a solution to a puzzle, your focus is what pulls all the relevant information together to find the solution. In effect, concentrated focus is the strange attractor we use to manipulate the world in a way that is creative and purposeful.

    Minimal Change

    For a system to move out of a state of coherency, or order, it only takes a very small, self-replicating event to pull it into apparent chaos. Mathematicians found that it was a very small fractional interjection, multiplied upon itself, that sends a system into a new nonlinear, seemingly chaotic direction. Chaos theory has also discovered that all things are interconnected. As the Taoist has always known, a butterfly in Asia exercising its wings can create a cyclone on the other side of the planet. Now we know why.


    These fractional changes in direction result in fractals. “Randomness, is interleaved with order, simplicity enfolds complexity, complexity harbors simplicity and order and chaos can be repeated at smaller and smaller scales, a phenomenon known as fractal.” Fractals were so named because they are the very small change in events that folding in upon themselves can create whole new systems. Fractals are nested self-replicating events. A Chinese box of nested boxes is analogous to a fractal.

    Redundant Echoes
    Creativity takes all that has come before, ventures a bit further into the unknown, brings back the unknown and marries it to what is known. Sounds a bit like evolution doesn’t it? It is the self-referential nature of chaos that moves it towards eventual order. Sacred geometry has shown us that nature is ever resplendent with self-replicating forms. The golden mean and the fibonacci series are evidence of this ever-repeating pattern. The fibonacci series continues to add unto itself as it increases. 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13…. Each number adds to the number before it as the progression continues. This is how nature adds back unto itself as it unfolds its myriad of forms. The asymmetry that is created from this process results in the golden mean, or the ratio of 1 : 1.6.

    In summary, natural order is maintained by a mirroring feedback loop. We learn, and then add this learning to everything else we know. A creative mind seeks to appreciate the order within all things, and to create new form or systems from that existence order. A creative mind understands that chaos is relative to a point of view.

    Possibly the best news coming out of chaos theory is that everyone does has an effect on the whole. Every contribution you make in a creative vein does have an effect on all that exists. There are no small or meaningless creative acts.

    Contemplation is the process by which creativity is generated. Thus, the true act of creativity is an act of self-reflection. Order is created from the mirroring of consciousness back onto itself. Venturing into the unknown, or venturing slightly off the beaten path, is the creative urge. Adding the new territory to the existing map is what allows the new effort and energy to take form.

    Anyone interested in increasing their creative talents would be wise to read the Turbulent Mirror to gain a fuller understanding of this theory. Another book worth reading is Order Out Of Chaos by Ilya Prigogine and Isabelle Stengers. And, there is the book Chaos by James Gleick. Once you understand the profound implications that science is now revealing, your creative horizons will be infinitely broader. Once you understand how important you and what you do are in the whole scheme of things, you will fully appreciate the precious gift of creativity you hold.

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