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  • dastagirda 6:54 am on June 14, 2009 Permalink | Reply
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    The Sacred Journey 


    Life should not be long, But it should be BIG

    The sacred sun shines and shimmers,

    With a bliss and ravishing art.

    Lo’ my friends I stand before thee,

    ‘Coz it’s the tie for us to depart.

    Life then walks down the memory lane,

    In a patient, but rigid craft,

    But the craft refuses to return although,

    As it’s the time or us to depart.

    Separation is a course of life,

    As life is like a cart.

    And the cart goes places with faces,

    Some arrives and some depart….

    • hydraulische Weichen 2:51 am on May 23, 2013 Permalink | Reply

      I rarely comment, however i did a few searching
      and wound up here creative writing | Dastagirda’s Blog. And I actually do have a couple of questions for you if you do not mind. Could it be just me or does it appear like some of these comments come across like left by brain dead folks? 😛 And, if you are posting on additional social sites, I’d
      like to keep up with anything fresh you have to post.
      Could you make a list of every one of your shared pages like your twitter
      feed, Facebook page or linkedin profile?

  • dastagirda 6:49 am on June 14, 2009 Permalink | Reply
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    true or false

    true or false

    A lady with a white.

    Is waiting in the shine.

    For me it’s the time to bright,

    As I am thinking of mine.

    I saw her with a wrinkled smile,

    She gave me a bright smile.

    But for me it’s not the time to smile,

    As my life is about a mile.

    Oh! My lord, what I do?

    Shall I love or I leave?

    Is it for me the time to do?

    As for journey I am about to leave.

    Now the wheel, wheeled towards me,

    And I’m still waiting for she.

    But for me it’s the journey of key,

    As I waited the train left me.

    (More …)

  • dastagirda 11:44 am on May 19, 2009 Permalink | Reply
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    GOOGLE Photography Prize- visit asap 

    Im up for the Google Photography Prize

    I’m up for the Google Photography Prize


    Competition closes-31st May

    Shortlist are announced for voting-11th June

    Final winner is announced-23rd June

    About the competition

    Artists have always created work for public places. Why should the internet be any different?

    We have opened up iGoogle, our personalised homepage, as the digital canvas for your creativity. We invite you to submit your compelling photography and bring your art online to a global audience.

    How it works

    • Enter your portfolio of five digital photos that together will make up the iGoogle theme.
    • We will be running a leader board of the university/college with the most entrants for everyone to see. Tell your friends to enter and see your university or college at the top.
    • The shortlist: 36 shortlisted entries will be turned into iGoogle themes, shown on Google and put to public vote.
    • Each of your five photographs will display at different points in the day as the iGoogle theme changes dynamically over time.
    • The finalists: 6 finalists will be exhibited at the Saatchi Gallery London , and reviewed by our independent jury.
    • The winner: 1 winner will receive a £5,000 ($7500 USD) bursary and an invite to spend a day with Martin Parr.

    The Prizes

    36 shortlisted entries will be turned into iGoogle themes, shown on Google and put to public vote.

    6 finalists will be exhibited at the Saatchi Gallery London, and reviewed by our independent jury. The finalists will be invited to the private view of the exhibition on 23rd June 2009 (with travel and accommodation included).

    1 winner will receive a £5,000 ($7500 USD) bursary and an invite to spend a day with Martin Parr.

    See Competition Terms & Conditions for full details of the prizes.

    The Jury

    How to enter

    The photographs you submit for the theme may be an extension of your current work, or something completely new. It could reflect information that’s important to you, or express your wish make the online world more beautiful or interesting. Each of your five photographs will display at different points in the day as the iGoogle theme changes dynamically over time. Your theme, with its five different states, will together form a portrait of your work and your aesthetic. There is no theme for entries, and we are interested in photographs from all disciplines, from portrait to fashion, documentary to abstract.


    • There is a limit of one entry per person.
    • Each entrant must submit five different images in the correct format as specified below.
    • All entrants must be higher education students, and use their academic email address to enter.
    • All entries must be submitted by 31st May.
    • All entries must abide by our Terms and Conditions.


    The images you submit will be turned into an iGoogle theme. The public vote and the judges will see the images as an iGoogle theme. We need to receive your images in the right format: this is really important, otherwise they will not work as a theme.

    The iGoogle theme will look like this:


    The themes span the top of the page, so you need to submit an image with a width of 1000px and a height of 175px.

    The iGoogle logo search bar and links will cover some of the artwork, so you should avoid having the main subjects in these areas so that they are not obscured. Bear in mind that the position and size of iGoogle logo, searchbar and links will vary slightly between browsers, so exact position on artwork cannot be guaranteed.

    You can use this Adobe Photoshop™ file to format your work correctly.

    If you are selected as 1 of the 6 finalists we will be projecting your work at the the Saatchi Gallery London. To do this we will require high resolution versions of your photographs so please hold on to the original files.

    Judging criteria

    The entries will be judged according to the following criteria:

    • the technical, creative and artistic qualities of each of the five photographs that make up an Entry;
    • the coherence of the five photographs together as a theme; and
    • how creatively and originally the Student has engaged with the iGoogle format.


    Don’t forget to check out the iGoogle themes from famous artists that have already attempted the challenge at the iGoogle artists gallery. If you traditionally take portrait photographs, or a lot of the work in your portfolio is not in the current format then why not try one of these tips from some of our current theme creators to make the most of your images and the iGoogle format:

    • Yves Behar/fuseproject’s Earth-light highlights the dynamic abilities of themes, as a daylight curve moves across a world map.
    • John Maeda’s Simplicity is Complex consists of large tiles, without having a distinct center image.
    • Mark Frauenfelder’s Adventures in Lollipopland shows how you can tile your images to fit different screen resolutions.
    • Troy Lee’s Supermoto Mayhem uses a solid background color instead of tiling.
  • dastagirda 9:10 am on May 17, 2009 Permalink | Reply
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    The UNILEVER LOGO Secret unveiled 







    Our new identity is an expression of vitality, which is at the heart of everything we do – our brands, our people and our values. Each icon within our logo represents an aspect of our business.The refererence is from the uniliver official site.

    Unilever is a multi-national corporation, formed of British and Dutch parentage, that owns many of the world’s consumer product brands in foods, beverages, cleaning agents and personal care products. Unilever employed 174,000 people and had a worldwide revenue of 40.5 billion in 2008.

    Lets know UNILEVER LTD.

    Key facts

    • In 2008 our worldwide turnover was €40.5 billion
    • We employ 174 000 people in around 100 countries worldwide
    • Every day, 160 million people choose our brands to feed their families and to clean themselves and their homes
    • Our strong portfolio of foods, home and personal care brands is trusted by consumers the world over. Among them, the top 25 brands account for over 70% of our sales
    • We have thirteen €1bn brands: Axe/Lynx, Knorr, Becel/ Flora, Hellmann’s, Lipton, Omo, Surf, Lux, Dove, Blue Band/Rama, Sunsilk, Rexona and our Heartbrand ice creams
    • In 2008 we invested €927 million in research and development, for example in opening new Centres of Excellence for product research and development in Italy, Poland and the UK
    • We are the global market leader in all the Food categories in which we operate: Savoury and Dressings, Spreads, Weight Management, Tea, and Ice Cream
    • We are also global market leader in Skin and Deodorants, and have very strong positions in other Home and Personal Care categories
    • In 2008 we invested €91 million on community projects worldwide
    • We have 270 manufacturing sites across six continents, all of which strive for improved performance on safety, efficiency, quality and environmental impacts, working to global Unilever standards and management systems

    Their Mission:

    Our mission is to add Vitality to life. We meet everyday needs for nutrition, hygiene and personal care with brands that help people look good, feel good and get more out of life.

    Enthused with Vitality

    Vitality is at the heart of everything we do. It’s in our brands, our people and our values.

    Vitality means different things to different people. Some see it as energy, others view it more broadly as a healthy state of body and mind – of feeling alive.

    Whatever their personal definition, millions of people around the world use our products daily to add Vitality to their lives – whether that’s through feeling great because they’ve got shiny hair and a brilliant smile, keeping their homes fresh and clean, or by enjoying a great cup of tea, satisfying meal or healthy snack.

    Ever since the 19th Century when William Hesketh Lever stated that the company’s mission was “to make cleanliness commonplace; to lessen work for women; to foster health and contribute to personal attractiveness, that life may be more enjoyable and rewarding for the people who use our products,” Vitality has been at the heart of our business.

    Vitality defines what we stand for: our values, what makes us different, and how we contribute to society. It’s the common thread that links our brands and it’s central to the unique way we operate around the world.

    Health & nutrition

    Our Vitality mission commits us to growing our business by addressing health and nutrition issues. We focus on priorities including children and family nutrition, cardiovascular health and weight management.

    Inside & out

    Our culture also embodies Vitality. Adding Vitality to life requires the highest standards of behaviour towards everyone we work with, the communities we touch and the environments on which we have an impact.

    The growing demand for more Vitality in life provides us with a huge opportunity for growth. The way we work and the products we develop are shaped by consumer trends, along with the need to help raise health and hygiene standards in both the developing and industrialised regions of the world.

    reference: http://www.unilever.com

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